Ultra Dogme is a film journal + virtual cinematheque

Established in 2019, ULTRA DOGME is a film journal and virtual cinematheque focused on bringing wider attention to under-seen gems of experimental, personal, and world cinema.

Our online journal publishes in-depth essays presenting new angles and analyses of lesser-known film works from around the globe and throughout the history of cinema. UD’s authors are primarily younger writers, as we work to provide a space that helps writers develop their voice and style while engaging a curious and eager readership.

The MOVIE CLUB is our virtual cinematheque, where viewers can access a monthly curated streaming program of 1-3 works by canonical masters (i.e. Standish Lawder, Larry Gottheim), burgeoning young filmmakers (i.e. Javiera Cisterna, Erica Sheu), and overlooked historical filmmakers receiving belated recognition (i.e. Ellie Epp, Esther Shatavsky) alike. Subscription costs $7 per month, and can be cancelled or renewed easily at any time via our Patreon page.


Malkah Manouel is a New York based Iranian-American working in film distribution, currently as the distribution manager of MUBI in the US. They have previously worked for other distributors including Third World Newsreel, Kani Releasing, and Dedza Films. Malkah also works as a Persian to English film translator in addition to editing and curating for Ultra Dogme. [Twitter][Instagram]

Ruairí McCann is an Irish writer, programmer, illustrator and musician, born and living in Belfast but raised in County Sligo. He’s co-editor of Ultra Dogme, a contributing editor to photogénie, and has contributed to aemi, MUBI Notebook, Documentary Magazine, Film Hub NI, Sight & Sound and Screen Slate, among others.

Maximilien Luc Proctor (MLP) is a French-American filmmaker and critic. He is the founder of Ultra Dogme, and the avant-garde instructor at Berlin’s Art on the Run filmschool. [Vimeo][Twitter]

Contributing Writers

Dylan Adamson is a Canadian film preservationist, freelance critic, and programmer currently based in Athens, Greece. His work has also been featured in Tone Glow.

Alonso Aguilar is a Costa Rican writer, critic and programmer. His writings have featured in Mubi Notebook, Bandcamp Daily, Hyperallergic, photogénie and Cinema Tropical, among other outlets. [Twitter]

Ioannis Andronikidis is an art historian, translator, and writer currently based in Greece. Having studied History, Archaeology, Modern and Contemporary Art, he specialized in lens-based practices at the Edinburgh College of Art. For the past years, he has been writing and translating pieces on cinema and literature for Beater.gr, Another Screen (Another Gaze), and Philosophy World Democracy, among others.

Arta Barzanji is a London-based Iranian filmmaker, critic, and lecturer. He has written for publications including MUBI Notebook, photogėnie and Documentary Magazine. His current film project is the documentary Unfinished: Kamran Shirdel. [Twitter]

Tobias Burms is a communications and law graduate whose admiration for auteur cinema is balanced by an addiction to trash, pulp and Hollywood genre movies.

Natasha Chuk is a critical theorist and writer whose research interests focus on the use of creative technologies as systems of language at the intersection of expression, interface, and perception. She teaches courses in film studies, digital cultures, aesthetics, and art history at the School of Visual Arts in New York City.

Abiba Coulibaly is a film programmer with a background in critical geography, interested in exploring the intersection between ethics and aesthetics.

Jefferson Everest Crawford lives in rural Vermont. His ongoing research is on amateur filmmaking, labor, and personal practices. As a filmmaker and curator he is invested in an amateur and rural focus, and is involved in White River Indie Films, a regional festival. [Twitter]

Nel Dahl is a writer inspired by horror and genre cinema. She’s based in the Pacific Northwest with her Russian Blue cat. [Twitter]

Souky De Wolf holds an MA in Film and Theatre Studies and is currently working toward an MA in Culture Management and Film Studies at the University of Antwerp. She is a contributing writer for Photogénie, and a participant in their Young Critics Workshop 2018. [Twitter]

James Devine is an occasional writer and filmmaker based in London (UK).

Ayanna Dozier (PhD) is a Brooklyn-based artist-writer working in film, performance, and photography. Her current research and artwork is dedicated to examining how transactional intimacy (like sex work) redistributes care from the private sector into the public, social politics of relations. She is currently an assistant professor of Film Studies at University Massachusetts, Amherst and is the author of Janet Jackson’s The Velvet Rope (2020).

Hoor ElShafei is a bilingual writer, filmmaker, and film festival programmer with an MFA Degree in Film and TV Studies from Boston University. Based in Dubai, UAE, her international experience inspires her research and teachings on identity and the cultural flow in film, with a focus on Arab Cinema. Her work has been published in renowned journals such as Film Quarterly, Science Fiction Film & Television and ProQuest, among others.

Hugo Emmerzael is a film and music critic based in Amsterdam. He is an editor of monthly independent Dutch film magazine, De Filmkrant, with other writings published in Senses of CinemaGonzo (circus)Beneficial ShockFrame.Land and on the Berlinale Talent Press platform, of which Hugo is a 2019 alumnus. [Twitter]

Alex Fields is a film writer and postal worker in Knoxville, TN. They write regularly on formalist, experimental, and genre film for Tone Glow and their blog, Not Reconciled.

Igor Fishman is a writer and film critic based in Brooklyn, New York. You can find more of his work on his site Lost Asterisk. [Twitter]

Christian Flemm is a filmmaker and translator. He lives and works in Berlin.

Edward Frumkin is a Brooklyn-based filmmaker and critic who hosts the film podcast reelprint. He’s written for The Film Stage, The Brooklyn Rail, and BOMB, and his work played at Sidewalk, SCAD Savannah, and Big Sky Documentary Film Festivals, among others. [Twitter]

Blanca García is a Spanish writer, filmmaker, researcher, and library worker based in London (UK).

Caden Mark Gardner is a freelance trans film critic and researcher based in upstate New York. He focuses on queer cinema and the history of the trans film image.

Annie Geng lives in New York.

Bennett Glace is the Associate Film Editor at Split Tooth Media where he regularly writes essays, interviews filmmakers, and appears on the Split Picks podcast. He considers cinema an all-you-can-eat buffet and hasn’t stopped eating in at least a decade.

Caroline Golum is a filmmaker and writer living in Brooklyn, NY. When she is not working for the Man, she is usually watching, writing about, or trying to make a movie. Her first film, A Feast of Man, is just a click away on VOD. Her second film is in development. [Twitter]

Jaime Grijalba is a Chilean writer, programmer, filmmaker and translator based in Santiago, Chile. His work has appeared in The Brooklyn Rail, Notebook, Film Comment, The Film Stage, among others. He’s publicly translating the Raúl Ruiz Diaries on his Substack “The Ruiz Diaries”.

Leena Habiballa is a cultural worker with an interest in visual and material cultures and community filmmaking/exhibition models. She explores these themes through art/film criticism, her own filmmaking practice, as well as research and curation. She is currently Assistant Producer at Other Cinemas and a member of the artist workers’ cooperative not/nowhere.

Jawni Han (she/her) is a Korean writer, translator, and filmmaker based in Brooklyn. 

Jesse Hawken is a writer in Toronto. He is the host and producer of the Junk Filter podcast. [Twitter]

Esmé Holden is a trans woman who writes about movies when she can. She is based in London. You can find her and her work in some places and not others.

Vicky Huang is a Fourth Year Cinema Studies student at the University of Toronto. When she’s not overloaded with assignments, she writes on a whole gamut of issues – with a special emphasis on film, electronic music, and left-wing politics. Her Twitter can be found here.

Tomáš Hudák is a film critic, programmer, and festival co-ordinator based in Bratislava, Slovakia, currently working at the Slovak Film Institute, where he is responsible for the international promotion of Slovak cinema with a focus on documentaries. He has been working for various film festivals for the last ten years in positions that include programming and program co-ordination. His writing can be found in magazines such as Senses of Cinema, Desistfilm, KinoScope, and Dok.revue. [Twitter]

Dean Kavanagh is a filmmaker and film archivist based in Dublin, Ireland. [Website]

Liam Kenny is a filmmaker and art critic based in NYC. [Letterboxd] [Twitter]

Katie Kirkland is a writer and current PhD candidate at Yale University, where she researches contemporary experimental documentary. [Twitter]

Ejla Kovačević is a Croatian film critic, currently residing in Paris where she’s interning at filmmakers’ cooperative Light Cone. She’s been a long-time collaborator of International Experimental Film and Video Festival – 25 FPS and an active member of film labs community  dedicated to the promotion and preservation of analog film practices. As a member of Zagreb-based filmlab Klubvizija she organized numerous workshops and projections, continuously sharing her passion for photochemical experiments that never cease to surprise her. [Twitter]

Peter Larkin is an independent film critic and tutor based in Wicklow, Ireland. [Twitter]

Madeleine Larrosa is an engaged feminist who believes in the power of arts as activism in an effort to change culture. She holds a PhD in neuroscience.

Jason Tan Liwag is a Filipino scientist, actor, writer, and film programmer. He was trained in film criticism programs in Manila, Rotterdam, Udine, and Yamagata and is a regular contributor to local and international publications for film, TV, and theater. He has been jury and selection committee for film festivals in Manila, Bristol, Taipei, San Diego, and Dhaka. He is the creator of the QCinema Critics Lab and co-programmer of the QC-SEA short film competition. Outside of film, he teaches at the Department of Biology, Ateneo de Manila University. [Twitter] [Letterboxd]

Richard Loria is a writer, filmmaker and translator. You can find him on his newly fashioned Twitter here.

Ed McCarry is a critic and film distributor in Brooklyn, NY.

Sam Warren Miell is a writer on film and art from Lewisham, South London.

Luise Mörke lives in Berlin and is currently a graduate student in art history at Humboldt University. As a teenager, she once provocatively declared that she liked movies more than books. Today she tries to speak less absolutely, but still spends a lot of her time watching, writing and thinking about film. [Instagram]

Laia Nadal is a non-binary artist from Barcelona. Over the years they have worked in many cultural fields, including audiovisual, music, and graphic design. [Twitter] [Letterboxd]

Maria Paradinas is an archive researcher and film programmer from London. She is interested in the politics of archival practice as it relates to histories that have been destroyed, mis-recorded or obscured. 

Yoana Pavlova is a Bulgarian writer, researcher, and programmer, currently based in France. Founding editor of festivalists.com, with bylines for various outlets in English and French, as well as with contributions to books on the New East, French cinephilia, cinema 2.0, at this point her field of work includes also immersive media and analogue methods in art/film criticism. [Twitter]

Camilla Peeters is an MA student in Film and Theatre Theory at the University of Antwerp. She writes on fringe film and experimental music, contributing to photogénie, Indiestyle and Subbacultcha, and DJs under her own first name. [Instagram]

Joshua Peinado is a filmmaker and critic based out of the Pacific Northwest, whose writing can be found most routinely in In Review Online and Screen Slate [Twitter]

Tijana Perović is balancing between obtaining a PhD in Vascular biology, strengthening her yoga practice and cultivating her emotional agility through cinema. 

Savina Petkova is a Bulgarian freelance film critic based in London. Her bylines include MUBI Notebook, photogenie, Electric Ghost Magazine, Girls On Tops and Screen Queens. She’s also a PhD candidate with a project on animal metamorphoses in contemporary European cinema at King’s College London. [Twitter]

Xavier Alexandre Pillai is a curator at the BFI, a writer, a film programmer and a trustee at LUX Moving Image based in London. He can be found online: @Xavi____a 

Joseph Pomp recently completed a PhD on French state sponsorship of international art-house cinema and has contributed to Cinema ScopeHyperallergicThe Los Angeles Review of BooksSenses of Cinema, and other publications. He is now an editor at Harvard University Press. [Twitter]

Patrick Preziosi is a graduate of Literature (BA) from the State University of New York at Purchase. Based in Brooklyn, NY, Patrick began pursuing film criticism after a foray into music criticism. Patrick has written on film for Little White Lies, Metrograph Edition, Photogénie, The Purchase Phoenix and the Irish Film Critic. [Twitter]

Andrew Reichel is a film writer, programmer, and archivist living in New York City. He has written for In Review Online, archived various audiovisual materials in New York City and Buenos Aires, and programmed screenings at New York University, New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, and the Film-makers’ Cooperative. He has recently completed his Master’s thesis on the preservation of analog film projectors for NYU’s Moving Image Archiving & Preservation program, and is building an archive from scratch for the artist Jeff Weber. You can find him on LetterboxdTwitter, and Instagram.

Dana Reinoos is a writer and film festival professional based in Milwaukee, WI. Her work has appeared in MUBI, Hyperallergic, Screen Slate, BOMB Magazine, and more. [Twitter]

Kelsie Renehan is a Masters candidate at Freie Universität Berlin, a current editor of the FU Review, the host and creator of the podcast FU Out Loud, and a University of Maryland alumn. She’s built houses, books, journals, and friendships across Maryland, Philadelphia, New Orleans, and Berlin. You can find more of her work in the Free State Review, The Wild Word, The FU Review, and scattered across the internet. [Twitter]

Felix Rodriguez is an Oklahoma musician and concert booker that spends more time thinking about music than not. [Twitter]

Tobias Rosen grew up in California, but now lives in Berlin during his studies in art history at Freie Universität. His grandfather taught him to collect, while he learned drawing and painting from his mother. He writes about art and film history. 

Noah Rosenberg is an artist working primarily with film and painting. His work has been shown in many venues including the Manetti Shrem Museum of Art, The Basement Gallery, Varsity Theater, and Wolf Kino, Berlin. He holds a BA in Studio Art, BA in Evolution, Ecology, and Biodiversity, and minor in Philosophy, from the University of California, Davis. He currently lives and works in Los Angeles. [Twitter]

Lucía Salas is an Argentinian film critic, programmer, and filmmaker based in Spain. Her work navigates cinema, past and present, and it can be found mainly in La vida útil magazine and Punto de Vista film festival. [Twitter]

Jack Seibert is a film writer who lives and works in Los Angeles. [Twitter]

John Semley is a writer and researcher based in Philadelphia. His writing on film has been published in The Baffler, The New Republic, and elsewhere. [Twitter]

Michael Sicinski is a writer and teacher based in Houston, Texas.

Will Sloan lives in Toronto. He has written for such publications as Cinema Scope, NPR, Harper’s, and Screen Slate, and has two – count ‘em – two podcasts, The Important Cinema Club and Michael & Us. [Twitter]

Srikanth Srinivasan is a film critic from Bangalore, India.

Ryan Swen is a freelance film critic and a cinema and media studies MA at the University of Southern California. He hosts the Catalyst and Witness podcast and has written for Reverse Shot, The Film Stage, Seattle Screen Scene, MUBI Notebook, Hyperallergic, and the BFI. [Twitter]

Sofie Topi is an editor, designer, and media storyteller from Greece, living and working in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. She has been writing about cinema since 2013.

Alex Tripp is a data auditor based in Seattle, Washington with experience in the production of animation and computer music. You can find additional writing from Alex at endaural.

Žarko Urošević is an aspiring pole dancer and biomedical sciences lab rat, who dreams of being a big spoon one day. They spend most of their days explaining differences between sex and gender to other people, and contemplating moving to Venus.

Elspeth Vischer (She/Her) is a filmmaker based in Belfast who specialises in documentary and experimental content. Elspeth is a third year creative-Practice PhD Student at Queen’s University, Belfast where she also teaches.  [Twitter]

Winnie Wang is a writer, programmer and arts administrator based in Toronto. Their work can be found in Cinema ScopeDocumentary Magazine and Little White Lies.

Florian Weigl is a writer and critic based in Berlin. He can be paid in cat pictures. [Twitter

Olivia Hunter Willke is a film writer, analog filmmaker, and programmer based in Chicago by way of Texas. Her work blends political urgency, formal analysis, and emotional revelation.

Ava Witonsky is a writer, analog filmmaker, and magic lanternist living in New York City. She has contributed to ScreenSlate and to programs at Light Industry, Arverne Cinema, Anthology Film Archives, Film-Makers’ Cooperative, cinemóvil, and Microscope Gallery. She is currently researching filmmaking as a healing modality as a Film and Media Studies Master’s student at Columbia University.

Charlotte Wynant is currently writing a PhD thesis on reductive aesthetics in the cinema of Chantal Akerman and Marguerite Duras at the Research Centre for Visual Poetics (University of Antwerp). The focus of her research lies on aesthetics of negativity in twentieth century cinema, literature and performance and the contributive role of French philosophy in their emergence.

If you’re interested in writing for us, send an email to: ultradogme@gmail.com

If you’d like to support Ultra Dogme and its contributors, consider subscribing to our Patreon

Banner photos:
Film Fest Gent Photo Credit: © Bibí Euse
‘Bolex’ Photo Credit : © Michael Raiden
Everything else: © MLP + Tijana Perović

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