Tune in for a live-stream of our third special UDVFF program this Friday, February 4th at 8pm Berlin Time (Central European Time). It will remain online for 48 hours.
Correspondence: ‘The Beatles: Get Back’ (2021) dir. Peter Jackson
by Will Sloan, John Semley, and Jesse Hawken FROM WILL Hello John and Jesse, I know from your social media feeds that you are both, to some degree […]
“The Connective Tissue is the Thing That Disconnects” — An Interview with Charlie Shackleton
In Charlie Shackleton’s artistic approach, truth and fiction are never truly opposed but their continuous interaction is what fuels an innate curiosity.
The Strangely Familiar in Wen-Han Chang’s ‘Strange World’
Strange World (2018) is a short experimental film and photographic series by artist Wen-Han Chang that merges color, light, and ambient sound at a frenetic pace.
“The skeleton of what you’re making” — An Interview with Richard Forbes-Hamilton
In his latest work, (Third Study for) Swedge of Heaven (2020), multi-disciplinary artist Richard Forbes-Hamilton presents us with the precise image of his beat: a digitally animated individual with an oversized yellow whistle for a head – complete with a stoic ‘have a nice day’ smiley for a face – arrhythmically pounding on a drum with glow sticks.
Review: ‘To The Moon’ (2020), dir. Tadhg O’Sullivan
by Ruairí McCann One of the most iconic images of early cinema, from Georges Méliès’s Le Voyage dans la Lune (1902), depicts a cylindrical rocket ship lodged in […]
“The world is not a solid, intractable thing” — An Interview with Jerome Hiler
by Maximilien Luc Proctor I recently had the indelible pleasure of traveling to Frankfurt for a brand new festival called exf f. (Experimental film days Frankfurt). I had […]
‘Women in Revolt’
Women in Revolt is the kind of glorious filth they just don’t — or is it can’t? — make any more.
Major Minor Love—On Hong Sang-soo’s ‘Introduction’ and ‘In Front of Your Face’
There’s no standard criterion for deducing the major/minor status of any given Hong Sang-soo film, which occur at such a steady clip that even the usual associative buzzwords––prolific, generous, obsessive, redundant even––fail at even their most basic purpose.