Žarko Urošević walks us through the perfect encapsulations of struggle, fear, failings, and humanity that make up the music of Mitski.
Album Review: ‘Circles’ by Mac Miller
When it comes to reevaluating posthumous releases from recently passed rappers these past few years, it’s been best to cede a little more slack than usual to the overall integrity of such projects, given the ever-growing porousness of release guidelines.
Album Review: ‘Phantom Rhythm 幽靈節奏 (幽霊リズム)’ by Gong Gong Gong
by Ruairí McCann [bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2418831432 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small] There are numerous landmarks set to be struck here on the eve of the 2020s but […]
A Decade In Review: Music of the 2010s
All writing is autobiographical, writing about culture doubly so. There is no way to distill the past decade into 10 essential albums without egregious oversight and omission. There are some artist and albums that I am not equipped to write about, there are also artists that have had their critical moments in the sun. They will not be written about here. That is okay, beautiful even. Remember that the truth is in the telling.
Doubling Down – DIIV’s ‘Deceiver’ and Danny Brown’s ‘uknowhatimsayin¿’
As musical boundaries continue to dissolve at such an alarming rate, the albatross of being a “buzzed about” artist hangs heavier with each year, even if we’re only going as far back as 2011-12. Looking back from the last quarter of 2019, certain bands and musicians who dominated the cultural conversation seem frivolous now, and others seem retroactively undeserving of the hand-wringing that may have accompanied their ascents.
Rubbernecking – A Review of King Crimson’s 50th Anniversary Tour
Martin Bremer reflects on an evening in Berlin spent at a King Crimson 50th anniversary concert
A Music List for 2018
After the success of last year’s ‘5 Noteworthy Rock Albums of 2017,’ I’ve decided to stay the course by altering the format with a surprise ‘best of’ list […]
New Sounds + Images: ‘Ave Cantora’ + ‘A Kinder & Gentler Nation’
watch and listen to new music
Pop Kultur 2018: An Interview with Daníel Böðvarsson (of Pranke)
Like last year, I visited the 2018 edition of Berlin’s Pop-Kultur festival. My personal favorite discovery was far and away the Berlin-based prog-math-indie band Pranke (the German word […]
“I Don’t Know Why.” An Interview with Jeff Rosenstock
Jeff Rosenstock has been making music since 1995. After years spent in a band called The Arrogant Sons of Bitches, 2004 saw the formation of another band, Bomb […]