2020 Film Festival

At the onset of the Covid-19 crisis, The Ultra Dogme Virtual Film Festival was born, in an effort to facilitate cinematic solidarity from a distance.

Our programs collect free-to-watch titles scattered across the internet. Program 7 offers three different VOD rental options.

Each program is curated by a different Ultra Dogme contributor, built upon a thematic through-line. Click on a title below to watch the films and read the accompanying notes.

PROGRAM 2 – Compartmentalized Collapse
curated by Patrick Preziosi

PROGRAM 3 – The Death Channel
curated by Michael Sicinski

PROGRAM 4 – In Proximity
curated by Tijana Perovic

Program 6 – Buried in Song
curated by Noah Rosenberg

UDVFF 12: Cityscapes
curated by Dominic Angerame

UDVFF 13: Disappearances + Intonations
curated by Ruairí McCann

UDVFF 14: Turmoil
curated by Yoana Pavlova

UDVFF 15: A Week with Luis Arnias
curated by Joseph Pomp