This week, we’re doing something a little different.
“There is magic to be found in everything” – Looking at films by Nathaniel Dorsky
Nathaniel Dorsky began making films in the 1960s, and worked for many years as an editor on various commercial film projects which had nothing to do with his personal interests as an artist. For him, there is a strict separation between a film made for money and a film made personally.
Berlinale 2020: “Maybe a Singular Mountain is a Feeling,” An Interview with Pushpendra Singh
by MLP As the festival came to a close, and my viewing-energy dwindled, my dear friend Anuj wrote me one evening to ask if I would be interested […]
The Ultra Dogme Virtual Film Festival 1: From a Distance
Welcome to the first Ultra Dogme Virtual Film Festival. We are excited to be trying something new.
Women’s Day: Three thoughts on Ute Aurand
Three thoughts offered on 16mm works by German experimental filmmaker Ute Aurand.
Compilation: International Women’s Day 2020
Join us in celebrating women artists of the world!
Best of the Decade: Music
As with our Best of the Decade in Film list, these album lists should be taken less as definitive statements on what was objectively best, and instead be […]
Best of the Decade: Film
We asked our contributing writers (as well as a couple of future contributors) to offer up lists of films from the last decade which impacted them in a significant way. While we are presenting these as our ‘best of’ lists, the idea was primarily to show several lists covering a variety of moving image works from the multiplex to the avant-garde, some well-loved, others perhaps under-seen.
7 Great Experimental Short Films on Vimeo
by +MLP+ We’re all looking for something great to watch. Moving images which will actually move and challenge us: to be better viewers and better people. In the […]
An Interview with a Band Called Blessed
A few questions with Canada’s brilliant and bizarre rock outfit.