This week we are happy to share links to three nearly-feature-length titles made available by FRACTO and Anthology Film Archives.
UDVFF 6: Buried in Song
Here is a list of media that has spoken to me recently, all in the format of moving
image – Youtube, Vimeo – but with varying sensory focus; many are for the music, some
silent, others focus on words.
Revolutionizing Festivals – Notes on the First Virtual Ann Arbor Film Festival
If somebody had told me that my first experience of Ann Arbor Film Festival would happen during one of the worst pandemics in recent human history, while I was locked down in the Parisian periphery, I would have seriously reconsidered this person’s mental condition.
UDVFF 4: In Proximity
You and I have (hopefully) spent the past few weeks at a home, in isolation, away from noise and crowds. In this isolation, one inevitably bumps into oneself.
UDVFF 2: Comparmentalized Collapse
In these strange, scary and all around unprecedented times, there’s a considerable fret to find the most “relevant” film to best encapsulate what feels like a consistently devolving, worldwide health crisis.
The Ultra Dogme Virtual Film Festival 1: From a Distance
Welcome to the first Ultra Dogme Virtual Film Festival. We are excited to be trying something new.
Announcement: Ultra Dogme’s First Virtual Film Festival
We’re starting a virtual film festival this Saturday, March 21st.