Happy International Women’s Day
JD 2.0
Since the official start of the pandemic one year ago, I have found myself thinking about Jeanne Dielman, 23 Commerce Quay, 1080 Brussels (1975) every now and then.
On how things actually play out
To be regarded as an artist, as a person, rather than a ‘woman filmmaker’, a ‘woman’.
Dogme Year Zero: The Blue Hour
The last movie I saw screened theatrically was Alfred Hitchcock’s Shadow of a Doubt, on a 35mm print, March 9th, at New York City’s Film Forum.
Dogme Year Zero: Topographies of Adolescence
In early October, an email reached me. ‘Comrades of the Kino’, the first line addressed its recipients.
“At Ease with Including Your Doubt” – An Interview with Lynne Sachs
During quarantine, Tijana Perovic spoke with Lynne Sachs about her ongoing practice, connections to various legendary filmmakers, and
UDVFF 9: Transgressing the Limits of the Uncanny
Living in isolation, apart from friends and families has proven a frightening and exhausting experience for many. With all exterior distractions cut from our lives, we often have no other choice but to steer our attention and gaze inward.
The Ultra Dogme Virtual Film Festival 1: From a Distance
Welcome to the first Ultra Dogme Virtual Film Festival. We are excited to be trying something new.
Women’s Day: ‘La Chambre’ (1972) by Chantal Akerman
A 16mm camera moves slowly across a sun-filled one-room apartment from the not-too-distant past. The colors are vibrant, we see a bright red velvet chair against a light-worn wooden wall. Breakfast is laid out on a circular table, half-finished and enticing.