Berlinale 2021 / Festival Coverage / Film / Reviews

Berlinale Shorts 2021

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On the occasion of the 71st Berlinale, Camilla Peeters and Jack Seibert share their thoughts on selections from this year’s Berlinale Shorts. This year the festival is being held June 9-20 (instead of the usual dreary February) as a ‘summer special’, holding in-person screenings via various open-air kinos throughout the city.

Film / Reviews

Lucrecia Martel: Four Feature Films

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A teenage girl lies on a towel, stealing glances at a man swimming in an indoor pool. The man, who might be her mother’s age, whips around as if sensing someone’s gaze and the girl flinches out of sight, slipping as she does into prayer — intoned and feverish, like an incantation: mother most chaste mother most pure mother without fault…