Happy International Women’s Day!
Caught Between Two Worlds—A Scene Analysis of ‘Surname Viet Given Name Nam’ (Trinh T. Minh-Ha, 1989)
How do I make a documentary that dispels the relevance of the term ‘documentary’? This is a question that seems to pulse through Trinh T. Minh-Ha’s work, most notably in her seminal film Surname Viet Given Name Nam (1989).
Red, a Jodie Mack tribute
In February 2011, Jodie Mack’s Rad Plaid was shown at Anthology Film Archives while two groups from the audience shouted “plaid” every time they saw vertical or horizontal lines on screen.
LaToya Ruby Frazier’s ‘The Notion of Family’ (2001-2014)
The camera’s capacity to act against the intractable march of time, the “slow deterioration” of Frazier’s family and town, is enabled in large part by her method of working, through the years-long, collaborative relationships Frazier establishes with her photographic subjects.
Ann Hui
“Hui is too versatile and too prolific to be pinned down, labeled, or marketed but too prominent to be “discovered.””
‘Autumn Rush for Kurt Kren and Winter and Spring and Summer’ (2003) dir. Anna Thew
A short appreciation of Anna Thew’s bifurcated film of the seasons, ‘Autumn Rush for Kurt Kren and Winter and Spring and Summer’