A Streaming Guide to Palestinian Cinema

The editors at Ultra Dogme would like to state their continued support for the people of Palestine and condemn the genocide being perpetrated by the state of Israel with the support of the United States, United Kingdom, The Federal Republic of Germany and other colonial powers.

In addition to the many ways you can show your support for this struggle, we advocate watching Palestinian cinema through non-corporate channels and organisations.

It’s important not to lose sight of these connections between the film world and a global web of subjugation and slaughter. Many of the same wells of public and private money that are used to fund, and therefore ultimately coordinate, many film festivals, institutions and companies are being used to finance not only genocide in Gaza, but Turkey’s invasion and ethnic cleansing of North Syria, Azerbaijan’s expulsion of Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh, Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen and decades of conflict in the Congo, to name just a few out of far too many examples.  

To watch and support Palestinian cinema may seem like a small action, but the mass murder of Palestinians goes hand in hand with the erasure of their culture. Colonialism at its most destructive and scarring is inextricably tied to the corporate takeover of the production, selling and experience of art, advancing year by year, day by day, all over the world. 

We therefore present a list of ongoing streams of Palestinian cinema, which we will update as frequently as we can and if you would like to submit an entry please contact us at ultradogme@gmail.com or on social media. 

Programs & Playlists:

Individual Films:

One thought on “A Streaming Guide to Palestinian Cinema

  1. Just a little note of gratitude for not being bashful about where you stand. The right wing is rearing its ugly head in so many areas. Awareness is the first step in protection from the brutality of these extremists.

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