by Savina Petkova “You’re in”, reads the email. I slide out of my chair to make myself a coffee – it’s going to be a long night. After […]
UDVFF 5: Let Us Now Praise Famous Men – Interrogations and Alternatives
Editor’s Note: Welcome to the fifth program of our Virtual Film Festival, which offers a weekly watching schedule of moving image works available for free streaming, and curated […]
UDVFF 4: In Proximity
You and I have (hopefully) spent the past few weeks at a home, in isolation, away from noise and crowds. In this isolation, one inevitably bumps into oneself.
“There is magic to be found in everything” – Looking at films by Nathaniel Dorsky
Nathaniel Dorsky began making films in the 1960s, and worked for many years as an editor on various commercial film projects which had nothing to do with his personal interests as an artist. For him, there is a strict separation between a film made for money and a film made personally.
UDVFF 3: The Death Channel
For this program, I wanted to consider the medium of transmission. For quite some time, many of us have been experiencing 16mm and 35mm films (as well as digital videos) as digital files, DVDs, or as bits of streaming information…
Berlinale 2020: “Maybe a Singular Mountain is a Feeling,” An Interview with Pushpendra Singh
by MLP As the festival came to a close, and my viewing-energy dwindled, my dear friend Anuj wrote me one evening to ask if I would be interested […]
UDVFF 2: Comparmentalized Collapse
In these strange, scary and all around unprecedented times, there’s a considerable fret to find the most “relevant” film to best encapsulate what feels like a consistently devolving, worldwide health crisis.
The Ultra Dogme Virtual Film Festival 1: From a Distance
Welcome to the first Ultra Dogme Virtual Film Festival. We are excited to be trying something new.
Announcement: Ultra Dogme’s First Virtual Film Festival
We’re starting a virtual film festival this Saturday, March 21st.
Album Review: ‘Mystic Familiar’ by Dan Deacon
Dan Deacon – in his lyrics, interviews and in the goofball soapbox aspect of his live performances – is loose-tongued and lucid about the headspace which produced his fifth and newest album, Mystic Familiar (2020)