
Dancing Towards Oblivion – The Cinema of Teo Hernández

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“I was thinking about the movement of my films that seem to shake in a dream linked to the movements of oblivion: it is an agitated, hallucinated movement, a relentless swing… The shaken film emerges from these bruises: from a confrontation between the filmmaker and oblivion. The theme of my films is oblivion, which is why it is inexpressible.” – Teo Hernández


MédeCiné: A Profile of François Crémieux

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A look at the ways a man of medicine has intersected with cinema history, from starring in Chris Marker’s ‘Blue Helmet’ (1995) to coordinating with Lucien Castaing-Taylor and Véréna Paravel to grant them access to the hospitals where ‘De Humani Corporis Fabrica’ (2022) was filmed.


Gold, Blue and Lilac: The Films of Zineb Sedira

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Shasha Movies, an independent streaming service for South-West Asian and North African cinema, presents the first complete retrospective of French-Algerian artist Zineb Sedira, whose filmography spans three decades and the breadth of the Mediterranean.